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At Calvary Baptist Church, we are openly committed to upholding and preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ. That’s because the gospel is both the best and most urgent news anyone anywhere can hear and believe. It is what God is pleased to use to save people, transform lives & communities, and grow churches around the world.

Below is a summary of the gospel we believe at Calvary Baptist Church. There is also a short video you can watch. Please consider this message carefully. It is our prayer that the truths of the gospel would penetrate your heart so that you would come to know the wonders of God’s love and grace for you in His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ—now and through all eternity.


The gospel is the joyous declaration that God is redeeming the world through Christ and that he commands everyone everywhere to turn from sin and trust Jesus Christ for salvation. Each of us has sinned against God, breaking his law and rebelling against his rule, and the penalty for our sin is death and hell. But because of his love, God sent his Son, Jesus, to live, for his people’s sake, the perfect, obedient life God requires and to die on the cross in our place for our sin. On the third day, Christ rose bodily from the grave and now reigns in heaven, offering forgiveness, righteousness, resurrection, and eternal blessedness in God’s presence to everyone who repents of sin and trusts solely in him for salvation.

From Capitol Hill Baptist Church, Washington D.C.


Located in beautiful Goderich Ontario, Calvary Baptist meets every Sunday at 10:00am. All are welcome to attend.




231 Bayfield Rd

Goderich, ON  N7A 3G5

Calvary Baptist Church is a member of the Fellowship of Evangelical Baptist Churches - Central Region

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