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The Marks of a Healthy Church and More!

Sam Katchikian

Updated: Feb 16, 2024

Happy Thursday, CBC family!

This week I've been spending time studying and praying about our upcoming sermon series on 'The Marks of a Healthy Church'. One question that's been keeping me busy is this: what makes the 'community' we enjoy at Calvary Baptist Church different than the 'community' we have in our workplaces, on our sports teams, book discussion clubs, homeschool co-ops, pickleball friends, Italian language class or knitting group (to name a few)? The answer Mark Dever & Jamie Dunlop give in their book The Compelling Community is quite profound: The church is a community given by God and marked by supernatural forgiveness - all thanks to the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ - and driven by supernatural love for God and others in the church.

I trust this glorious reality will get us excited to embark on our series next Sunday, February 11. As a reminder, we will also be resuming our ‘Growth Group’ ministry to run in conjunction with our sermon series. There is still time to sign up and join one of our four growth groups across Huron County. You can do so on our website's Home Page.

Here are a couple more announcements in the life of our church for this week:

The Social Committee would love to invite you to our Valentine’s Social, an evening of fun and games, on Saturday, February 10 from 7-9pm. You can sign up to attend in one of two ways: on our website or on our churchbulletin board.

Please ensure your reports for 2023 are submitted to Nicole by email ( A reminder that our Annual Business Meeting is

scheduled for Saturday evening, February 24 at 6pm (Snow Date: Saturday, March 2, 2024).

Ladies of CBC: our next Bible study & fellowship is scheduled for next Thursday, February 8 at 10:45am (Location: De Jager's residence; 82869 Bluewater Highway, Goderich).

Parents of young children: we now have a number of new children’s books in our library that are available to be borrowed. They are located in our church foyer (look out for the ‘Calvary Kids Korner’ sign).

Lastly, be in prayer for Steve DeJager as he prepares to preach this Sunday (February 4). We have an opportunity as a church this weekend to encourage our brother in the gift of teaching the Lord has given him. Steve will be preaching on Mark 4:35-41 (Jesus: Your Only Hope in the Storm). Please take some time to read and meditate on this passage before Sunday.

That’s all for now. Have a great weekend and I look forward to gathering with you this Sunday to worship our triumphant King!

Yours in Christ,

Pastor Sam


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Located in beautiful Goderich Ontario, Calvary Baptist meets every Sunday at 10:00am. All are welcome to attend.



231 Bayfield Rd

Goderich, ON  N7A 3G5

Calvary Baptist Church is a member of the Fellowship of Evangelical Baptist Churches - Central Region

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